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The Game

One afternoon Susan took the Moreno children to Washington Square. They played in the small playground. Then they went to the duck pond. The children liked feeding the ducks in the pond. But the ducks were not hungry. “Susie, why aren’t the ducks eating the bread?” asked little Sally Moreno. “I don’t know. It’s strange. They’re usually hungry. The fish aren’t hungry either,” said Susan. “Well, it’s half past five and it’s time to go home. [...]

Esta secuencia contiene:

  • 2 actividades

  • 4 recursos

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Secuencia didáctica

  • 1


    One afternoon Susan took the Moreno children to Washington Square. They played in the small playground. Then they went to the duck pond. The children liked feeding the ducks in the pond. But the ducks were not hungry. [...]

  • 2

    Understanding the text - The Game

    One afternoon Susan took the Moreno children to Washington Square. They played in the small playground. Then they went to the duck pond. The children liked feeding the ducks in the pond. But the ducks were not hungry. [...]

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