Animals belong to the largest and most diverse group of living things. There are over two million different animal species. Animals get the energy they need by eating food. They can move from place to place and have sense organs that allow them to react quickly to their surroundings. In this unit we are going to study the main groups of animals.
Esta secuencia contiene:
13 actividades
97 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Didactic objectives Understand how animals are classified as vertebrates and invertebrates. Recognise the main characteristics of invertebrates including sponges, cnidarians, echinoderms, worms, molluscs and arthropods. [...]
1. Vertebrates Vertebrates are the group which contains the human species. They have an internal skeleton, made of bones. The name comes from the vertebrae, which make up the spine (backbone), which supports the body. [...]
Animals belong to the largest and most diverse group of living things. There are over two million different animal species. Animals get the energy they need by eating food. [...]
Characteristics of vertebrates Vertebrates are animals that have a spine (backbone). The spine supports the body. Vertebrates have an internal skeleton that is articulated: it is made up of bones connected by joints. [...]
Characteristics of mammals Mammals are vertebrates with the following characteristics: They are viviparous. This means that the young develop inside the female's body. The female mammal then gives birth to the live young. [...]
Birds are vertebrates with bodies that are adapted for flying. But some birds, like ostriches and penguins, cannot fly. Characteristics of birds The upper limbs of birds take the form of wings. They use their lower limbs to walk and run. [...]
Amphibians Amphibians are vertebrates that live part of their lives in fresh water and part on land. Characteristics of amphibians The skin of amphibians is moist and slimy. [...]
The most primitive group of vertebrates are fish. They are also the most numerous. All fish live in water. Characteristics of fish The body of a fish is elongated and pointed at the ends. It is very well adapted to living in water. [...]
Sponges Sponges are the simplest type of animal that exists. They live in water and are attached to rocks on the seabed. Sponges are often irregular in shape. Their bodies have lots of small holes that allow water to pass in and out. [...]
Worms Worms are animals with long, soft bodies and moist skin. They do not have legs; they move by wriggling. Most worms live in the sea or in fresh water. Some live on land, like earthworms. Some worms are parasites. [...]
Characteristics of arthropods Arthropods are the largest animal group on Earth. The most characteristic feature of arthropods is their external skeleton. [...]
Animals belong to the largest and most diverse group of living things. There are over two million different animal species. Animals get the energy they need by eating food. [...]
Animals belong to the largest and most diverse group of living things. There are over two million different animal species. Animals get the energy they need by eating food. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
10 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
11 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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