Prehistory is the first period in human history. Prehistory began when the first humans appeared between two and three million years ago. It ended when humans invented writing almost 6000 years ago. Prehistoric humans did not know how to write, so we do not know very much about them. We study historical sources to learn about Prehistory.
Esta secuencia contiene:
9 actividades
58 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Didactic objectives Identify the main periods of Prehistory and put them in chronological order. Explain the different ways that humans obtained food in the Palaeolithic period, the Neolithic period and the Metal Age. [...]
1. Hunters and gatherers The first period of Prehistory is called the Palaeolithic period and it lasted from the appearance of the first humans until the discovery of agriculture. [...]
Prehistory is the first period in human history. Prehistory began when the first humans appeared between two and three million years ago. It ended when humans invented writing almost 6000 years ago. [...]
The first humans The Palaeolithic period is the first period in Prehistory. The Palaeolithic period began more than two million years ago. Human remains from the Palaeolithic period have been found in Atapuerca, Burgos. [...]
Cave paintings Cave paintings are paintings on cave walls and ceilings. The oldest cave paintings date back to early Palaeolithic times. Caves with cave paintings were probably places of worship for Palaeolithic people. [...]
The first farmers The second period in Prehistory is called the Neolithic period. In this period people started to cultivate the land and domesticate farm animals. [...]
Copper, bronze and iron At the end of Prehistory, people started to use metals to make things. We call this period of Prehistory the Metal Age. People started using the first metals in about 3000 BC. [...]
Prehistory is the first period in human history. Prehistory began when the first humans appeared between two and three million years ago. It ended when humans invented writing almost 6000 years ago. [...]
Prehistory is the first period in human history. Prehistory began when the first humans appeared between two and three million years ago. It ended when humans invented writing almost 6000 years ago. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
10 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
11 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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